Phone: 01908 320919
Address: Haversham Road, Wolverton, MK12 5TN
It's cool to play bowls!
Young people are needed in any sport to secure its continuing success for the future and bowls is no exception. We are therefore keen to encourage young people to learn the game of bowls and participate in club events.
Here at Wolverton Park Bowls Club we provide regular Friday evening coaching sessions for boys and girls aged 10-18 years with qualified English Bowls CRB checked coaches. It’s all about having fun and meeting up to play with friends! For those who may wish to take it further they will have the opportunity to play for the club and maybe go on to represent the county at junior level or even eventually compete nationally!
We have a supply of bowls for juniors to use until such time as they wish to get their own and we offer reduced annual membership and subsidised club shirts. There is no need to spend a fortune, compared to other sports bowls is not that expensive, but we are always on hand to provide help and advice to keep costs to a minimum.
Any young people wishing to come along and give bowls a try for starters will only need to bring flat shoes or trainers (no heels!) and can either contact the club or speak with Peter Staniford, Juniors Coach/Welfare Officer on 01908 561384 or mobile: 07873 733548 who will be happy to arrange for you to join one of our sessions. Alternatively we would be happy for you to pop in any Friday evening during the season to see us.